Have you been using the same old Mac for a long time, noticing how much slower it is? The constant spinning beachballs when you just want to access a website, the whirring of the fans as it overheats. You may be considering buying a new Mac because it’s just so slow. But don’t do that quite yet, as we have a more cost-effective option for you!

Your hard drive could be causing the problem
Older Macs used hard drives to store your data. Due to the overheating of your Mac, these can become much less effective than before. In addition, your hard drive could be at the risk of failing, preventing your Mac from working completely. Replacing this hard drive with a solid-state drive would greatly improve the speed and productivity of your Mac. Newer Macs use SSDs, as they have become much more reliable and cheaper than hard drives. Bring in your computer, and we can transfer your data from your hard drive to a new SSD, blowing new life into your Mac, and at a much more affordable price than replacing it.
If you want more information, you can contact us at 207-862-7019.
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